What is a socialist to make of China? – Part Two

Introductory Remarks for Part Two In the previous post, I sketched out a Marxist analysis of China and how to look at it in the grand scheme of things. In Part One I concentrated on issues related to economics, class, climate change, imperialism and foreign policy. My aim for that post was to illustrate that… Continue reading What is a socialist to make of China? – Part Two

What is a socialist to make of China? – Part One

Introduction: The Poisoned Well of Discourse Nothing has caused more consternation, heated debate, and in general bad takes in our time than the discourse around the self-described People’s Republic of China. In the 21st century, it has assumed the role previously played by the USSR as the big bad “communist” superpower in Western—particularly American—imagination, only… Continue reading What is a socialist to make of China? – Part One

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