The hypocritical crusade against Mermaids

Whenever the Tories are in trouble—and indeed it looks clear that they in fact are in deep trouble—the first thing they do is look for a convenient scapegoat to try and distract the public from their real problems. While they have been doing this throughout their twelve years in power, I believe this particularly ugly… Continue reading The hypocritical crusade against Mermaids

Trans people are suffering because you can’t get over your Hogwarts nostalgia

When I was seven years old, Harry Potter was a film, or much rather the hit 2001 film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (or Sorcerer’s Stone in the US, where I got to see it). The film was an adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s book of the same name, but I didn’t really know of… Continue reading Trans people are suffering because you can’t get over your Hogwarts nostalgia

A reminder of how anti-trans hysteria destroys movements

In the midst of the Great Resignation, wherein millions of Americans decided to quit their jobs en masse, dissatisfied with existing labour conditions and hung out to dry by a government that refused to implement worker protections in response to the pandemic, leaving them to grapple with rising living costs as wages have remained stagnant.… Continue reading A reminder of how anti-trans hysteria destroys movements

What side does capital take in the trans debate?

In contemporary discouse, it has become a hackneyed political trope to dismiss a particular cause as “bourgeois” just because it happens to attract support from some sectors of the bourgeoisie including some corporations. Examples of this trend would be to dismiss Black Lives Matter as “woke capitalism” because Ben & Jerry’s supports it, dismissing decolonisation… Continue reading What side does capital take in the trans debate?

The pointless crusade against cartoons

For about as long as I remember, there have always been people trying to police the world of animation, whether it’s the usual conservative moral guardians saying they’re corrupting the youth, or the occasional liberal feminist bellyacher accusing them of sexism, but let’s be honest, most of it has come from conservatives, and such a… Continue reading The pointless crusade against cartoons

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